The Jaltest Telematics web platform enables you to select a vehicle or a driver and to start the download of the tachograph or driver's card remotely. The option of having these files is crucial in relation to fleet management, since there are legal regulations that require this information to be available.
Furthermore, it offers the possibility of scheduling monthly and weekly automatic downloads, minimizing the risk of fines and additional costs caused by downloading the tachograph file in external services.
Remote tachograph download.
Download planner .
Download history.
Driver activity detail.
Analysis of times and kilometers by country.
Hosting service for smart company cards.
Jaltest Telematics offers card hosting service with the purpose of guaranteeing the tachograph file download in a safe and uninterrupted way.
This service is designed for those companies that do not have servers or computers dedicated to the download management and that can suffer incidents or delays because they do not have constant connection.
Thanks to the hosting service, the company card will be available 24 hours, therefore the download process will be fast, easy and 100% guaranteed.